Friday, October 7, 2011

What it means to Become Self-Sufficient!

Today's world is full of uncertainties.  Our economic status keeps dropping.  However, what happens when the going gets tough?  You got it - The Tough Get Going!  :)  Let's go through some of the ways that we can become Self-Sufficient:
Well, let's start out with our basic needs:  food, clothing, shelter, education.  Everything else is pretty much an added luxury that can be done without if absolutely necessary. 

                Gardening:  what to plant?  easy - what do you EAT?  what is of nutritious value?  following are a few ideas:

Beets, Carrots, Cucumbers, Dill, Onions, Potatoes, Summer Squash, Tomatoes, Turnips, Zucchini
              Cooking with what is in SEASON!  did you know that allergies are less likely to happen if you eat the fruits and vegetables associated to their season?  Our bodies know what is naturally available when and react accordingly - especially children.  So, find your favorite Recipes and try a few new ones to add variety when consuming the same vegetables over and over for the duration of a season. 

              Canning Left-Over Vegetables/Fruits:  This is where it may get a little tricky.  Canning isn't difficult.  It may be a little time-consuming but so definitely worth it.  Canning is where you truly become extra self-sufficient as it means you won't rely on the Supermarket for your Sustinence during the winter months until the next Harvest.   If it helps, have a good old-fashioned Canning Party.  Gather some friends and Can up a Storm.  :)  Trust me - it makes for some amazing fun times.  If you have children - it will occupy them too considering they will see it as a HUGE Playdate!!!! 

                    Be Thrifty:   Hugs & Kisses Consignment is an amazing opportunity for finding Treasures amidst other's "Not Needed" piles.  It benefits EVERYONE - you get awesome clothing for your children, amongst other necessary items, at major discounted prices while allowing those parents to search through your "Not Needed" pile for their own fast-growing munchkins.  Yard Sales - again another great idea - both for selling and buying. 

                    Sew:    if you can sew, this is another great way to "Make" your clothing and other household items.  It isn't very difficult.  You can rather easily learn and be Stitching in No Time at all...  :) 

                   Crochet / Knit:    my goodness!  have you ever seen those beautiful handmade Baby Blankets and wonder - how did they make that?  it isn't so difficult.  YouTube is amazing at instructing visually in every area of craftiness.  :)    and that's not all you can do with Crochet / Knit.  You can make:  Socks, Hats, Mittens, Slippers, Sweaters, Vests and sooo much more.....  Trust me - again totally worth it....  Gives you something to do in the winter months when outdoor chores aren't as pressing and you are watching a good movie or listening to Holiday Music (we all know that starts earlier and earlier every year). 

Shelter:     let's just hope you have that already secured!   if not - I am definitely praying for you for that!  That is kind of really important.  and honestly - not sure what advice to give on that point! 

                    Public School:    I am NOT the right person to go to for Public School recommendation.  Especially in today's times when Education Funds are getting sliced so much that one day who knows what kind of true education our children will really receive.  Because of this reason, I fully support:

                    Private School:   If you can AFFORD to send your children to Private School, I 100% support that choice.  You can be sure of a decent education for your children, without the added worries of Drugs, Smoking, Alcohol or Weapons (of course there are rare exemptions to every rule).  However, you feel reassured against such complications when dealing with Private Schools.  If you can't afford to or believe differently, you are not out of options:

                   Homeschool:   a child's first TEACHER is his/her parents.  Homeschooling is an excellent form of education.  There are excellent hundreds of homeschool curriculums out there these days.  There are even Homeschool Coops around that will give you the support and social aspect that will help you along the way. 

That about sums it up for right now.    Will look at things more in detail in future posts.  Good luck!  And ask questions whenever:     

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